Coyner Springs Park Bioblitz
Thanks to the Scotts Miracle-Go Foundation and the National Recreation and Park Association, Waynesboro Parks and Recreation hosts a BioBlitz supporting the Parks for Pollinators campaign in September.
What’s the Park for Pollinators BioBlitz? In this event, the community works with park staff to take snapshots of the wildlife variety found in a particular location. Waynesboro BioBlitz focuses on Coyner Springs Park during September in the Coyner Springs Kite Fly. If you want to join the event but can’t for some reason or want to start right away, you can! You just have to download the iNaturalist app. You will use the app to take pictures of insects, animals, and plants to see the park’s present wildlife and provide information about pollinators and other critical living things found within the park’s border.
Coyner Springs Park has three unique and distinctive ecosystems: wetland, moorland, and meadow. Don’t be afraid to explore each one of them. And if you see a similar image under the Coyner Springs Park for Pollinators project, don’t worry. Every observation uploaded is geocoded, so each observation is unique and will help better understand the park’s view. Every uploaded observation is vital. Locally, this event will use the information uploaded to shape the management of the property. Nationally, the National Recreation and Park Association will combine Coyner Springs Park information with national parks. A different picture will be painted showcasing the impact parks have on conserving and preserving natural resources. So get out there and go BioBlitzing!
To be able to participate, you’ll first need to download the iNaturalist app to your phone, enter your name and email, create an account, and you’re set to start. Be sure to join the Coyner Springs Par for Pollinator project so all identification can be uploaded automatically.